Wednesday 20 July 2022

Insider's Annual BBQ

Finally, after a two year absence the annual Insider BBQ took place Monday this week in glorious sunshine on the fabulous Tempelhofer Feld. What a wonderful way to to spend the evening, chillin' n' grillin' with friends and colleagues. Here a few snapshots of the goings on.

Insider BBQ Tempelhofer Feld
Sundown on the Tempelhofer Feld

Frisbee King
Two Cool Irish Guys and a Wannabe

The Americas, North and South

The Odd Couple   

Three Amigos

Bottles for the Boys

Insider Fashionistas

Thursday 2 June 2022

Probably the cheapest public transport ticket in the world!

From June 1st all citizens and visitors can travel freely in Germany on all forms of public transport, local and regional (excluding InterCity trains), for only €9 per month. This offer is currently valid for the months of June, July and August 2022. Here's hoping they might even extend it. Buying the ticket is a sinch - they are available in the machines on every station platform. Bag one on your arrival in Germany and travel almost for free!
For more detail read all about it on ExBerliner