Thursday, 30 April 2015
Monday, 6 April 2015
East, West and stuck in the middle with Nickolai
Born in what was then the communist capital of Bulgaria,
Sofia, Nickolai's family fled from behind the Iron Curtain and made for
sunny California, where he spent the bulk of his young life. He still remembers though,
his first visit to Berlin at the tender age of twelve, when the Wall
left an indelible impression on him.
there any parts of this city which remind you of your childhood
in Bulgaria, aesthetically or in terms of atmosphere Nickolai?
In the States I used to live in
New York, New Jersey, Chicago and Santa Cruz. I am such an odd mixture of West meets
and NATO meets the Warsaw Pact that my move to Berlin 10 years ago made
the perfect sense and no, I never get to feel any kind of nostalgia
my old countries; if I miss the USA I just go to Potsdamer Platz with
its glitz and glamour and if I miss my childhood in communist Bulgaria
then I can just go to the remote East Berlin districts of Lichtenberg and Marzahn with their depressing tenement high rises and I´ll feel right
at home. Of course, one has to add that, contrary to stereotypes, not
everything in the east block used to be grey, there were pockets full of
colour and one such example would be the overpowering and exhilarating Karl Marx Allee, formerly known as Stalin Allee and often times dubbed
Stalin´s gift to the people of the DDR. A stroll along Karl Marx Allee happens to be one of my favourite walks in the city. The feeling is very
special and it also never fails to surprise the western tourists.
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apartment block on Karl Marx Allee |
You are an avid traveller, most recently visiting Ethiopia.
Did you bring anything in particular back with you? I hear
Langano on Kohlfurterstrasse is quite a good restaurant.
Would you recommend it after having tasted authentic Ethiopian
my number one hobby is travelling and for me the best education any
human being can possibly receive is to visit foreign countries. I loved
Ethiopia and what I brought back is what Ethiopia is most famous for:
coffee. Thanks to a growing Italian expat community, Berlin´s coffee
scene is improving but it is still not yet to the level of the country
which started the entire culture of coffee drinking: Ethiopia. So
Ethiopian coffee was the souvenir of choice from that country. Langano is a
very good restaurant indeed but I also really like Bejte Ethiopia on Zietenstrasse 8 in Schöneberg, very close to Nollendorf Platz.
On that note, can you recommend any Bulgarian restaurants in Berlin? (I suppose I am hungry as I ask these questions!)
ethnic restaurant scene is fabulous and that also goes for the
Bulgarian restaurants in Berlin, they are very authentic. My favourite
is a place called Pri Maria, located on Gärtnerstrasse 12, right on
Boxhagener Platz in the super trendy district of Friedrichshain and the
reason why I enjoy it so much is because the owner, Maria, has managed
to put her own twist to the otherwise, meat heavy Bulgarian cuisine, by
turning her kitchen into a very vegetarian friendly kitchen and thus
creating a very interesting spin to Balkan food in general. And it goes
without saying, not all of the dishes on offer in this restaurant are
vegetarian, there is something for everyone.
With your travels often bringing you far beyond Europe, I am
interested in your opinion on Berlin's plan for its Ethnological
Museum collection, due to be moved from Dahlem, on the
outskirts of the city, to
Schlossplatz, the reconstructed city palace.
ha ha. If anyone wants to see traditional Bavarian clothing, lederhosen
and dindlr, one does not need to travel all the way to an ethnological
museum located all the way in Dahlem; one can just visit
Alexanderplatz´s Hofbräuhaus and look at what the waiters are wearing.
Of course, joke aside, museums such as the Ethnological Museum of Berlin
and Haus der Kulturen der Welt (the house of the cultures of the
world), go way beyond traditional German clothing, they are intended to
show the citizens of Berlin what the world looks like outside their
borders and introduce foreign cultures to the people of this city, so
moving such places to central locations is a positive thing indeed. Now
what my opinion is on the entire Schlossplatz project, well, you´ll have
to just join my Famous Walk Tour where I have a thing or two to say
regarding this controversial topic.
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Berlin city palace, prior to WWII |
As with many of our guides, you have a background in theatre.
Do you feel as if you assume a role when guiding? If you could
have a Berlin street-stage name, what would it be?
background in theatre really helps with tour guiding since tour
guiding does require a level of performance and in my case the city of
Berlin is my stage. If I have to take on a tour guiding stage name it
would have to be ridiculously German sounding and it would have to be
associated with Berlin´s 1920´s decadent cabaret scene, such as Fritz
Grünbaum or Peter Hammerschlag (actual cabaret performers that really
existed). And on this note if non German speaking tourists are
interested in seeing German theater then I would have to recommend the
Volksbühne on Rosa Luxamburg Platz which is an experimental theater
where one does not need to follow a text in order to understand the
Thanks for all the tips Nickolai, and see you on the streets, Hammerschlag!
berlin museums,
Berlin theatre,
berlin tour guides,
berlin walking tours,
Bulgarian food,
Ethiopian coffee,
Karl Marx Allee,
stage names
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